If you don’t already know, I’m Larlene or you can call me Lar.

I’m an optimistic twenty-something year old living on the best island in the world, Maui. I’m an aspiring graphic designer and maker who is trying to power through life one jpeg at a time. I’m a random clutter of thoughts and ideas. I want to try anything and a little bit of everything that interests me, which makes me a very indecisive person at times. I try to be artsy but most of the time it turns out to be a mess. I like DIY projects, puns, baking, iced chai tea lattes, and sunsets. All I want in life is to continue creating, learning, and being happy.

I, I, I. Yes, I know you know this page is about me. (I know it’s boring. I’m pretty boring in general.)

Well, this blog is also about me in relation to the Earth around me.